W3C CSS Validator results for https://prosocialscience.com/ (CSS level 3 + SVG)

We found no errors

URI : https://prosocialscience.com/wp-content/themes/proscience/css/owl.carousel.min.css

6 .owl-carousel .owl-dot, .owl-carousel .owl-nav .owl-next, .owl-carousel .owl-nav .owl-prev

URI : https://prosocialscience.com/wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.min.css?ver=6.5.4

1 .wp-block-gallery.has-nested-images figure.wp-block-image figcaption Property scrollbar-gutter doesn't exist : stable both-edges
1 h1.has-text-align-left[style*="writing-mode"]:where([style*="vertical-lr"]), h1.has-text-align-right[style*="writing-mode"]:where([style*="vertical-rl"]), h2.has-text-align-left[style*="writing-mode"]:where([style*="vertical-lr"]), h2.has-text-align-right[style*="writing-mode"]:where([style*="vertical-rl"]), h3.has-text-align-left[style*="writing-mode"]:where([style*="vertical-lr"]), h3.has-text-align-right[style*="writing-mode"]:where([style*="vertical-rl"]), h4.has-text-align-left[style*="writing-mode"]:where([style*="vertical-lr"]), h4.has-text-align-right[style*="writing-mode"]:where([style*="vertical-rl"]), h5.has-text-align-left[style*="writing-mode"]:where([style*="vertical-lr"]), h5.has-text-align-right[style*="writing-mode"]:where([style*="vertical-rl"]), h6.has-text-align-left[style*="writing-mode"]:where([style*="vertical-lr"]), h6.has-text-align-right[style*="writing-mode"]:where([style*="vertical-rl"]) Property rotate doesn't exist : 180deg
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay .close-button
1 .wp-lightbox-overlay .close-button
11 p.has-text-align-left[style*="writing-mode:vertical-lr"], p.has-text-align-right[style*="writing-mode:vertical-rl"] Property rotate doesn't exist : 180deg
11 .wp-block-post-navigation-link.has-text-align-left[style*="writing-mode: vertical-lr"], .wp-block-post-navigation-link.has-text-align-right[style*="writing-mode: vertical-rl"] Property rotate doesn't exist : 180deg

URI : https://prosocialscience.com/wp-content/uploads/wpforo/assets/colors.css?ver=

607 #wpf-msg-box > p
610 #wpf-msg-box > p.error
612 #wpf-msg-box > p.success

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Warnings (0)

URI : https://prosocialscience.com/wp-content/themes/proscience/css/bootstrap.min.css

6 -webkit-text-size-adjust is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-tap-highlight-color is a vendor extension
6 -apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI",Roboto,"Helvetica Neue",Arial,"Noto Sans",sans-serif,"Apple Color Emoji","Segoe UI Emoji","Segoe UI Symbol","Noto Color Emoji" is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-text-decoration is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-text-decoration-skip-ink is a vendor extension
6 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-appearance is a vendor extension
6 ::-moz-focus-inner is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-moz-focus-inner is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-moz-focus-inner is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-moz-focus-inner is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 -webkit-appearance is a vendor extension
6 ::-webkit-inner-spin-button is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-webkit-outer-spin-button is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 -webkit-appearance is a vendor extension
6 ::-webkit-search-decoration is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 -webkit-appearance is a vendor extension
6 ::-webkit-file-upload-button is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 -webkit-appearance is a vendor extension
6 The value break-word is deprecated
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-preferred-size is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-positive is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-preferred-size is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-positive is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-preferred-size is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-positive is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-preferred-size is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-positive is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-preferred-size is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-positive is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-order is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-overflow-scrolling is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-overflow-scrolling is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-overflow-scrolling is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-overflow-scrolling is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-overflow-scrolling is a vendor extension
6 ::-ms-expand is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-webkit-input-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-moz-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 :-ms-input-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-class
6 ::-ms-input-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-ms-value is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-inline-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-flow is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-flow is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-negative is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-user-select is a vendor extension
6 -moz-user-select is a vendor extension
6 -ms-user-select is a vendor extension
6 -ms-inline-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 The property clip is deprecated
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-inline-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 background-color 0.15s ease-in-out,border-color 0.15s ease-in-out,box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out,-webkit-transform 0.15s ease-in-out is a vendor extension
6 transform 0.15s ease-in-out,background-color 0.15s ease-in-out,border-color 0.15s ease-in-out,box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out,-webkit-transform 0.15s ease-in-out is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-appearance is a vendor extension
6 -moz-appearance is a vendor extension
6 ::-ms-value is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-ms-expand is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 -webkit-appearance is a vendor extension
6 -moz-appearance is a vendor extension
6 ::-webkit-slider-thumb is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-moz-range-thumb is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-ms-thumb is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-moz-focus-outer is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-webkit-slider-thumb is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 -webkit-appearance is a vendor extension
6 ::-webkit-slider-thumb is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-webkit-slider-thumb is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-webkit-slider-runnable-track is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-moz-range-thumb is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 -moz-appearance is a vendor extension
6 ::-moz-range-thumb is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-moz-range-thumb is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-moz-range-track is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-ms-thumb is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-ms-thumb is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-ms-thumb is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-ms-track is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-ms-fill-lower is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-ms-fill-upper is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-webkit-slider-thumb is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-webkit-slider-runnable-track is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-moz-range-thumb is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-moz-range-track is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 ::-ms-thumb is a vendor extended pseudo-element
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-preferred-size is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-positive is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-preferred-size is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-positive is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-flow is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-preferred-size is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-flow is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-preferred-size is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-flow is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-preferred-size is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-flow is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-preferred-size is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-flow is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-preferred-size is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-flow is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-flow is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-column-count is a vendor extension
6 -moz-column-count is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-column-gap is a vendor extension
6 -moz-column-gap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-animation is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-animation is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-appearance is a vendor extension
6 -moz-appearance is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-backdrop-filter is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-transform 0.3s ease-out is a vendor extension
6 transform 0.3s ease-out,-webkit-transform 0.3s ease-out is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-negative is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 auto is not defined by any specification as an allowed value for pointer-events, but is supported in multiple browsers
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI",Roboto,"Helvetica Neue",Arial,"Noto Sans",sans-serif,"Apple Color Emoji","Segoe UI Emoji","Segoe UI Symbol","Noto Color Emoji" is a vendor extension
6 -apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI",Roboto,"Helvetica Neue",Arial,"Noto Sans",sans-serif,"Apple Color Emoji","Segoe UI Emoji","Segoe UI Symbol","Noto Color Emoji" is a vendor extension
6 -ms-touch-action is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-backface-visibility is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-transform 0.6s ease-in-out is a vendor extension
6 transform 0.6s ease-in-out,-webkit-transform 0.6s ease-in-out is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
6 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-animation is a vendor extension
6 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
6 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-animation is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-inline-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-inline-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-inline-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-inline-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-inline-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-inline-flexbox is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-positive is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-positive is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-negative is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-negative is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-positive is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-positive is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-negative is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-negative is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-positive is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-positive is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-negative is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-negative is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-positive is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-positive is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-negative is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-negative is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-direction is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-wrap is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-positive is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-positive is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-negative is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-negative is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-line-pack is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -ms-flex-item-align is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-sticky is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-sticky is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-sticky is a vendor extension
6 The property clip is deprecated
6 The property clip is deprecated
6 auto is not defined by any specification as an allowed value for pointer-events, but is supported in multiple browsers
6 The value break-word is deprecated
6 .btn-danger Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-danger.disabled Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-danger:disabled Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-dark Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-dark.disabled Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-dark:disabled Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-info Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-info.disabled Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-info:disabled Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-light Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-light.disabled Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-light:disabled Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-danger:hover Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-danger:not(:disabled):not(.disabled).active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-danger:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-dark:hover Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-dark:not(:disabled):not(.disabled).active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-dark:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-info:hover Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-info:not(:disabled):not(.disabled).active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-info:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-light:hover Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-light:not(:disabled):not(.disabled).active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-light:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-primary:hover Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-primary:not(:disabled):not(.disabled).active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-primary:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-secondary:hover Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-secondary:not(:disabled):not(.disabled).active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-secondary:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-success:hover Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-success:not(:disabled):not(.disabled).active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-success:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-warning:hover Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-warning:not(:disabled):not(.disabled).active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-outline-warning:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-primary Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-primary.disabled Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-primary:disabled Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-secondary Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-secondary.disabled Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-secondary:disabled Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-success Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-success.disabled Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-success:disabled Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-warning Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-warning.disabled Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .btn-warning:disabled Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .custom-checkbox .custom-control-input:indeterminate ~ .custom-control-label::before Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .custom-control-input.is-invalid:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .custom-control-input.is-valid:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .custom-control-input:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .custom-control-input:not(:disabled):active ~ .custom-control-label::before Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .custom-range::-ms-track Same color for background-color and color
6 .custom-range::-ms-track Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .list-group-item-danger.list-group-item-action.active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .list-group-item-dark.list-group-item-action.active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .list-group-item-info.list-group-item-action.active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .list-group-item-light.list-group-item-action.active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .list-group-item-primary.list-group-item-action.active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .list-group-item-secondary.list-group-item-action.active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .list-group-item-success.list-group-item-action.active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .list-group-item-warning.list-group-item-action.active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .list-group-item.active Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .nav-tabs .nav-link.disabled Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .page-item.active .page-link Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .show > .btn-outline-danger.dropdown-toggle Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .show > .btn-outline-dark.dropdown-toggle Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .show > .btn-outline-info.dropdown-toggle Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .show > .btn-outline-light.dropdown-toggle Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .show > .btn-outline-primary.dropdown-toggle Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .show > .btn-outline-secondary.dropdown-toggle Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .show > .btn-outline-success.dropdown-toggle Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .show > .btn-outline-warning.dropdown-toggle Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .text-hide Same color for background-color and color
6 .was-validated .custom-control-input:invalid:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before Same color for background-color and border-color
6 .was-validated .custom-control-input:valid:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before Same color for background-color and border-color

URI : https://prosocialscience.com/wp-content/themes/proscience/assets/css/print.css?ver=1.9

40 Due to their dynamic nature, CSS variables are currently not statically checked

URI : https://prosocialscience.com/wp-content/themes/proscience/css/font-awesome.min.css

4 -webkit-font-smoothing is a vendor extension
4 -moz-osx-font-smoothing is a vendor extension
4 -webkit-animation is a vendor extension
4 -webkit-animation is a vendor extension
4 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
4 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
4 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
4 -ms-filter is a vendor extension
4 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
4 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
4 -ms-filter is a vendor extension
4 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
4 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
4 -ms-filter is a vendor extension
4 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
4 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
4 -ms-filter is a vendor extension
4 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
4 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
4 -ms-filter is a vendor extension
4 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
4 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
4 The property clip is deprecated
4 The property clip is deprecated

URI : https://prosocialscience.com/wp-content/themes/proscience/css/animate.css

18 -webkit-animation-duration is a vendor extension
20 -webkit-animation-fill-mode is a vendor extension
25 -webkit-animation-duration is a vendor extension
29 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
48 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
49 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
54 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
55 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
60 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
61 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
67 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
71 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
92 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
98 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
117 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
118 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
123 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
124 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
129 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
130 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
136 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
140 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
159 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
160 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
165 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
166 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
171 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
172 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
178 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
182 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
211 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
212 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
217 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
218 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
223 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
224 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
229 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
230 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
235 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
236 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
242 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
243 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
245 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
249 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
278 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
279 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
284 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
285 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
290 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
291 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
296 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
297 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
302 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
303 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
309 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
315 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
354 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
355 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
360 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
361 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
366 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
367 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
372 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
373 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
378 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
379 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
384 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
385 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
390 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
391 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
397 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
401 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
428 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
429 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
435 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
436 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
441 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
442 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
447 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
448 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
454 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
458 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
485 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
486 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
492 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
493 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
498 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
499 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
504 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
505 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
511 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
515 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
542 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
543 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
549 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
550 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
555 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
556 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
561 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
562 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
568 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
572 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
599 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
600 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
606 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
607 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
612 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
613 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
618 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
619 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
625 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
629 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
656 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
657 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
663 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
664 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
669 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
670 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
675 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
676 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
682 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
686 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
712 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
713 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
718 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
719 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
725 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
726 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
732 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
733 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
739 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
743 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
764 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
765 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
771 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
772 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
778 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
779 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
785 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
789 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
810 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
811 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
817 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
818 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
824 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
825 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
831 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
835 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
856 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
857 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
863 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
864 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
870 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
871 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
877 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
881 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
902 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
903 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
909 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
910 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
916 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
917 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
923 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
927 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
948 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
952 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
969 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
970 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
976 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
977 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
983 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
987 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1004 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1005 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1011 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1012 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1018 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1022 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1039 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1040 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1046 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1047 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1053 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1057 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1074 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1075 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1081 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1082 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1088 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1092 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1109 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1110 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1116 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1117 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1123 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1127 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1144 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1145 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1151 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1152 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1158 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1162 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1179 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1180 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1186 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1187 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1193 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1197 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1214 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1215 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1221 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1222 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1228 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1232 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1253 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1257 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1274 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1275 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1281 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1282 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1288 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1292 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1309 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1310 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1316 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1317 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1323 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1327 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1344 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1345 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1351 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1352 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1358 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1362 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1379 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1380 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1386 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1387 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1393 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1397 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1414 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1415 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1421 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1422 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1428 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1432 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1449 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1450 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1456 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1457 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1463 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1467 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1484 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1485 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1491 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1492 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1498 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1502 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1519 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1520 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1526 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1527 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1533 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1537 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1576 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1577 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1579 -webkit-animation-timing-function is a vendor extension
1584 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1585 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1587 -webkit-animation-timing-function is a vendor extension
1592 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1593 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1595 -webkit-animation-timing-function is a vendor extension
1600 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1601 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1603 -webkit-animation-timing-function is a vendor extension
1608 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1609 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1611 -webkit-animation-timing-function is a vendor extension
1617 -webkit-backface-visibility is a vendor extension
1618 -ms-backface-visibility is a vendor extension
1620 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1624 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1650 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1651 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1657 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1658 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1663 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1664 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1669 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1670 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1677 -webkit-backface-visibility is a vendor extension
1678 -ms-backface-visibility is a vendor extension
1680 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1684 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1710 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1711 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1717 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1718 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1723 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1724 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1729 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1730 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1737 -webkit-backface-visibility is a vendor extension
1738 -ms-backface-visibility is a vendor extension
1740 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1744 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1760 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1761 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1767 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1768 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1775 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1777 -webkit-backface-visibility is a vendor extension
1778 -ms-backface-visibility is a vendor extension
1782 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1798 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1799 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1805 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1806 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1813 -webkit-backface-visibility is a vendor extension
1814 -ms-backface-visibility is a vendor extension
1816 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1820 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1848 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1849 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1855 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1856 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1862 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1863 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1869 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1870 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1877 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1879 -webkit-animation-timing-function is a vendor extension
1883 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1899 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1900 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1906 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1907 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1914 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1916 -webkit-animation-timing-function is a vendor extension
1920 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1940 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
1941 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
1943 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1944 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1950 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
1951 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
1953 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1954 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1961 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
1965 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
1985 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
1986 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
1988 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1989 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1995 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
1996 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
1998 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1999 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2006 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
2010 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
2030 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2031 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2033 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2034 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2040 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2041 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2043 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2044 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2051 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
2055 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
2075 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2076 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2078 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2079 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2085 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2086 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2088 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2089 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2096 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
2100 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
2120 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2121 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2123 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2124 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2130 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2131 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2133 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2134 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2141 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
2145 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
2165 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2166 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2168 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2169 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2175 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2176 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2178 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2179 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2186 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
2190 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
2210 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2211 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2213 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2214 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2220 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2221 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2223 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2224 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2231 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
2235 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
2255 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2256 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2258 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2259 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2265 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2266 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2268 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2269 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2276 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
2280 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
2300 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2301 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2303 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2304 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2310 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2311 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2313 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2314 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2321 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
2325 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
2345 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2346 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2348 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2349 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2355 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2356 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2358 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2359 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2366 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
2370 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
2386 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2387 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2392 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2393 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2399 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
2403 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
2419 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2420 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2425 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2426 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2432 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
2436 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
2452 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2453 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2458 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2459 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2465 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
2469 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
2484 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2485 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2491 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2492 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2498 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
2502 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
2517 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2518 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2524 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2525 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2531 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
2535 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
2550 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2551 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2557 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2558 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2564 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
2568 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
2615 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2616 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2618 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2619 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2621 -webkit-animation-timing-function is a vendor extension
2626 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2627 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2629 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2630 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2632 -webkit-animation-timing-function is a vendor extension
2637 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2638 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2640 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2641 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2643 -webkit-animation-timing-function is a vendor extension
2648 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2649 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2652 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2653 -ms-transform-origin is a vendor extension
2655 -webkit-animation-timing-function is a vendor extension
2660 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2661 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2668 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
2674 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
2691 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2692 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2698 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2699 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2705 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
2711 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
2728 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2729 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2735 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
2736 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
2742 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension

URI : https://prosocialscience.com/wp-content/themes/proscience/css/settings.css

16 -moz-box-sizing is a vendor extension
17 -webkit-box-sizing is a vendor extension
140 -ms-filter is a vendor extension
141 alpha(opacity=0) is a vendor extension
142 -moz-opacity is a vendor extension
143 -khtml-opacity is a vendor extension
145 -webkit-transition is a vendor extension
146 -moz-transition is a vendor extension
147 -o-transition is a vendor extension
148 -ms-transition is a vendor extension
151 -ms-filter is a vendor extension
152 alpha(opacity=100) is a vendor extension
153 -moz-opacity is a vendor extension
154 -khtml-opacity is a vendor extension
160 -ms-filter is a vendor extension
161 alpha(opacity=50) is a vendor extension
162 -moz-opacity is a vendor extension
163 -khtml-opacity is a vendor extension
169 -ms-filter is a vendor extension
170 alpha(opacity=50) is a vendor extension
171 -moz-opacity is a vendor extension
172 -khtml-opacity is a vendor extension
178 -ms-filter is a vendor extension
179 alpha(opacity=100) is a vendor extension
180 -moz-opacity is a vendor extension
181 -khtml-opacity is a vendor extension
203 -moz-box-sizing is a vendor extension
204 -webkit-box-sizing is a vendor extension
208 -moz-border-radius is a vendor extension
209 -webkit-border-radius is a vendor extension
254 -moz-box-sizing is a vendor extension
254 -webkit-box-sizing is a vendor extension
265 -moz-box-sizing is a vendor extension
265 -webkit-box-sizing is a vendor extension
266 -moz-border-radius is a vendor extension
266 -webkit-border-radius is a vendor extension
277 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
278 -moz-transform-origin is a vendor extension
282 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
283 -moz-transform-origin is a vendor extension
287 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
288 -moz-transform-origin is a vendor extension
293 -moz-border-radius is a vendor extension
293 -webkit-border-radius is a vendor extension
296 -moz-border-radius is a vendor extension
296 -webkit-border-radius is a vendor extension
330 -moz-border-radius is a vendor extension
330 -webkit-border-radius is a vendor extension
331 -webkit-transition is a vendor extension
332 -moz-transition is a vendor extension
333 -o-transition is a vendor extension
334 -ms-transition is a vendor extension
335 -ms-filter is a vendor extension
336 alpha(opacity=0) is a vendor extension
337 -moz-opacity is a vendor extension
338 -khtml-opacity is a vendor extension
342 -moz-border-radius is a vendor extension
342 -webkit-border-radius is a vendor extension
353 -webkit-transition is a vendor extension
354 -moz-transition is a vendor extension
355 -o-transition is a vendor extension
356 -ms-transition is a vendor extension
358 -moz-transition-delay is a vendor extension
359 -webkit-transition-delay is a vendor extension
360 -o-transition-delay is a vendor extension
375 -ms-filter is a vendor extension
376 alpha(opacity=0) is a vendor extension
377 -moz-opacity is a vendor extension
378 -khtml-opacity is a vendor extension
385 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
386 -webkit-backface-visibility is a vendor extension
387 -webkit-perspective is a vendor extension
392 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
393 -webkit-backface-visibility is a vendor extension
394 -webkit-perspective is a vendor extension
405 -ms-filter is a vendor extension
406 alpha(opacity=0) is a vendor extension
407 -moz-opacity is a vendor extension
408 -khtml-opacity is a vendor extension
430 -ms-filter is a vendor extension
431 alpha(opacity=100) is a vendor extension
432 -moz-opacity is a vendor extension
433 -khtml-opacity is a vendor extension
436 -moz-transition-delay is a vendor extension
437 -webkit-transition-delay is a vendor extension
438 -o-transition-delay is a vendor extension
444 -moz-transition-delay is a vendor extension
445 -webkit-transition-delay is a vendor extension
446 -o-transition-delay is a vendor extension
452 -ms-filter is a vendor extension
453 alpha(opacity=100) is a vendor extension
454 -moz-opacity is a vendor extension
455 -khtml-opacity is a vendor extension
463 -moz-transition-delay is a vendor extension
464 -webkit-transition-delay is a vendor extension
465 -o-transition-delay is a vendor extension
467 -moz-transition-delay is a vendor extension
468 -webkit-transition-delay is a vendor extension
469 -o-transition-delay is a vendor extension
485 -ms-filter is a vendor extension
486 alpha(opacity=60) is a vendor extension
487 -moz-opacity is a vendor extension
488 -khtml-opacity is a vendor extension
504 -moz-box-sizing is a vendor extension
505 -webkit-box-sizing is a vendor extension
511 -moz-border-radius is a vendor extension
511 -webkit-border-radius is a vendor extension
537 -moz-border-radius is a vendor extension
537 -webkit-border-radius is a vendor extension
545 -moz-border-radius is a vendor extension
545 -webkit-border-radius is a vendor extension

URI : https://prosocialscience.com/wp-content/uploads/rmp-menu/css/rmp-menu.css?ver=10.29.16

1 -webkit-appearance is a vendor extension
1 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1 -moz-transform is a vendor extension
1 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1 -moz-transform is a vendor extension
1 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1 -moz-transform is a vendor extension
1 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1 -moz-transform is a vendor extension
1 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1 -moz-transform is a vendor extension
1 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1 -moz-transform is a vendor extension
1 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1 -moz-transform is a vendor extension
1 -ms-transform is a vendor extension
1 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
1 -moz-transform is a vendor extension
1 ::-webkit-scrollbar is a vendor extended pseudo-element
1 ::-webkit-scrollbar-track is a vendor extended pseudo-element
1 ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb is a vendor extended pseudo-element
1 ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb is a vendor extended pseudo-element
1 The property clip is deprecated
1 auto is not defined by any specification as an allowed value for pointer-events, but is supported in multiple browsers
1 The value break-word is deprecated

URI : https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/magnific-popup.js/1.1.0/magnific-popup.css

21 -webkit-backface-visibility is a vendor extension
59 -moz-zoom-out is a vendor extension
60 -webkit-zoom-out is a vendor extension
65 -webkit-zoom-in is a vendor extension
66 -moz-zoom-in is a vendor extension
76 -webkit-user-select is a vendor extension
77 -moz-user-select is a vendor extension
113 -webkit-appearance is a vendor extension
121 ::-moz-focus-inner is a vendor extended pseudo-element
175 -webkit-tap-highlight-color is a vendor extension
341 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
344 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension
347 -webkit-transform-origin is a vendor extension

URI : https://prosocialscience.com/wp-content/themes/proscience/css/owl.theme.default.min.css

6 -webkit-tap-highlight-color is a vendor extension
6 zoom is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-backface-visibility is a vendor extension

URI : https://prosocialscience.com/wp-content/themes/proscience/css/owl.carousel.min.css

6 -webkit-tap-highlight-color is a vendor extension
6 -ms-touch-action is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-backface-visibility is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-touch-callout is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-transform-style is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-user-select is a vendor extension
6 -khtml-user-select is a vendor extension
6 -moz-user-select is a vendor extension
6 -ms-user-select is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-user-select is a vendor extension
6 -moz-user-select is a vendor extension
6 -ms-user-select is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-animation-duration is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-animation-fill-mode is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-animation-name is a vendor extension
6 Unrecognized at-rule @-webkit-keyframes
6 -webkit-transform-style is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-backface-visibility is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-transform 0.1s ease is a vendor extension
6 -webkit-transform is a vendor extension
6 -ms-transform is a vendor extension

URI : https://prosocialscience.com/wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.min.css?ver=6.5.4

1 The value break-word is deprecated
1 The value break-word is deprecated
1 -moz-fit-content is a vendor extension
1 -webkit-touch-callout is a vendor extension
1 -moz-fit-content is a vendor extension
1 -moz-fit-content is a vendor extension
1 ::-webkit-scrollbar is a vendor extended pseudo-element
1 ::-webkit-scrollbar-track is a vendor extended pseudo-element
1 ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb is a vendor extended pseudo-element
1 ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb is a vendor extended pseudo-element
1 ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb is a vendor extended pseudo-element
1 ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb is a vendor extended pseudo-element
1 -webkit-mask-image is a vendor extension
1 -webkit-mask-image is a vendor extension
1 -webkit-mask-image is a vendor extension
1 -webkit-mask-position is a vendor extension
1 -webkit-mask-repeat is a vendor extension
1 -webkit-mask-size is a vendor extension
1 -webkit-backdrop-filter is a vendor extension
1 3px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color is a vendor extension
1 Due to their dynamic nature, CSS variables are currently not statically checked
1 Due to their dynamic nature, CSS variables are currently not statically checked
1 Due to their dynamic nature, CSS variables are currently not statically checked
1 Due to their dynamic nature, CSS variables are currently not statically checked
1 Due to their dynamic nature, CSS variables are currently not statically checked
1 Due to their dynamic nature, CSS variables are currently not statically checked
1 Due to their dynamic nature, CSS variables are currently not statically checked
1 No declarations in the rule
1 Due to their dynamic nature, CSS variables are currently not statically checked
7 The value break-word is deprecated
11 The property clip is deprecated
11 Due to their dynamic nature, CSS variables are currently not statically checked
11 Due to their dynamic nature, CSS variables are currently not statically checked
11 Due to their dynamic nature, CSS variables are currently not statically checked
11 The value break-word is deprecated
11 -moz-fit-content is a vendor extension
11 -webkit-appearance is a vendor extension
11 The value break-word is deprecated
11 The value break-word is deprecated
11 Due to their dynamic nature, CSS variables are currently not statically checked
11 Due to their dynamic nature, CSS variables are currently not statically checked
11 The property clip is deprecated
11 -webkit-clip-path is a vendor extension
11 The property clip is deprecated
11 -webkit-clip-path is a vendor extension

URI : https://prosocialscience.com/wp-includes/css/dashicons.min.css?ver=6.5.4

2 -webkit-font-smoothing is a vendor extension
2 -moz-osx-font-smoothing is a vendor extension

URI : https://prosocialscience.com/wp-content/uploads/wpforo/assets/colors.css?ver=

10 ::-moz-selection is a vendor extended pseudo-element
461 -moz-box-shadow is a vendor extension
461 -webkit-box-shadow is a vendor extension
495 -moz-box-shadow is a vendor extension
495 -webkit-box-shadow is a vendor extension
607 -moz-linear-gradient(#43a6df) is a vendor extension
607 -o-linear-gradient(#43a6df) is a vendor extension
610 -moz-linear-gradient(#f46464) is a vendor extension
610 -o-linear-gradient(#f46464) is a vendor extension
612 -moz-linear-gradient(#00a636) is a vendor extension
612 -o-linear-gradient(#00a636) is a vendor extension
634 ::-webkit-input-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-element
635 ::-webkit-input-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-element
636 ::-moz-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-element
637 ::-moz-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-element
638 :-ms-input-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-class
639 :-ms-input-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-class
640 :-moz-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-class
641 :-moz-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-class
667 :-ms-input-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-class
668 ::-ms-input-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-element
694 #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-sbtn .wpf-sb-button.wpf-fb:hover Same color for background-color and border-color
696 #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-sbtn .wpf-sb-button.wpf-lin:hover Same color for background-color and border-color
697 #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-sbtn .wpf-sb-button.wpf-wapp:hover Same color for background-color and border-color
698 #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-sbtn .wpf-sb-button.wpf-gg:hover Same color for background-color and border-color
699 #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-sbtn .wpf-sb-button.wpf-vk:hover Same color for background-color and border-color
700 #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-sbtn .wpf-sb-button.wpf-ok:hover Same color for background-color and border-color
701 #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-sbtn.wpf-sb-style-colored .wpf-sb-button.wpf-fb Same color for background-color and border-color
703 #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-sbtn.wpf-sb-style-colored .wpf-sb-button.wpf-wapp Same color for background-color and border-color
704 #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-sbtn.wpf-sb-style-colored .wpf-sb-button.wpf-lin Same color for background-color and border-color
705 #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-sbtn.wpf-sb-style-colored .wpf-sb-button.wpf-gg Same color for background-color and border-color
706 #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-sbtn.wpf-sb-style-colored .wpf-sb-button.wpf-vk Same color for background-color and border-color
707 #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-sbtn.wpf-sb-style-colored .wpf-sb-button.wpf-ok Same color for background-color and border-color
760 ::-webkit-input-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-element
760 ::-webkit-input-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-element
761 ::-moz-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-element
761 ::-moz-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-element
762 :-ms-input-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-class
762 :-ms-input-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-class
763 :-moz-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-class
763 :-moz-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-class

URI : https://prosocialscience.com/wp-content/themes/proscience/css/style.css

37 -moz-linear-gradient(left,rgb(41, 18, 155, 1) 0%,rgb(235, 2, 32, 1) 100%) is a vendor extension
38 -webkit-linear-gradient(left,rgb(41, 18, 155, 1) 0%,rgb(235, 2, 32, 1) 100%) is a vendor extension
40 progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#29129b', endColorstr='#eb0220',GradientType=1 ) is a vendor extension
88 -moz-linear-gradient(left,rgb(174, 87, 37, 1) 0%,rgb(236, 119, 15, 1) 100%) is a vendor extension
89 -webkit-linear-gradient(left,rgb(174, 87, 37, 1) 0%,rgb(236, 119, 15, 1) 100%) is a vendor extension
91 progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#ae5725', endColorstr='#ec770f',GradientType=1 ) is a vendor extension
165 -webkit-transition is a vendor extension
182 -webkit-transition is a vendor extension
198 -webkit-transition is a vendor extension
477 -ms-flexbox is a vendor extension
479 -ms-flex-align is a vendor extension
481 -ms-flex-pack is a vendor extension
992 -moz-linear-gradient(left,#8cb2c4 0%,#fafcfd 50%,#8cb2c4 100%) is a vendor extension
993 -webkit-linear-gradient(left,#8cb2c4 0%,#fafcfd 50%,#8cb2c4 100%) is a vendor extension
995 progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#8cb2c4', endColorstr='#8cb2c4',GradientType=1 ) is a vendor extension
1539 -webkit-box-shadow is a vendor extension
1541 -webkit-transition is a vendor extension
1542 -o-transition is a vendor extension
1548 ::-webkit-input-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-element
1551 :-ms-input-placeholder is a vendor extended pseudo-class

↑ Top

Valid CSS information

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padding-bottom : calc(0.5rem + 1px);
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height : auto;
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padding-left : 5px;
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margin-left : -1.25rem;
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margin-right : 0.3125rem;
margin-left : 0;
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background-color : #34ce57;
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box-shadow : 0 0 0 0.2rem rgb(40, 167, 69, 0.25);
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font-size : 80%;
color : #dc3545;
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position : absolute;
top : 100%;
z-index : 5;
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padding : 0.25rem 0.5rem;
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font-size : 0.875rem;
line-height : 1.5;
color : #fff;
background-color : rgb(220, 53, 69, 0.9);
border-radius : 0.25rem;
.form-control.is-invalid, .was-validated .form-control:invalid {
border-color : #dc3545;
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background-position : top calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem) right calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem);
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border-color : #dc3545;
padding-right : calc((1em + 0.75rem) * 3 / 4 + 1.75rem);
background : url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 4 5'%3e%3cpath fill='%23343a40' d='M2 0L0 2h4zm0 5L0 3h4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") right 0.75rem center /8px 10px no-repeat, url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' fill='%23dc3545' viewBox='-2 -2 7 7'%3e%3cpath stroke='%23dc3545' d='M0 0l3 3m0-3L0 3'/%3e%3ccircle r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cx='3' r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cy='3' r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cx='3' cy='3' r='.5'/%3e%3c/svg%3E") center right 1.75rem /calc(0.75em + 0.375rem) calc(0.75em + 0.375rem) no-repeat #fff;
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border-color : #dc3545;
box-shadow : 0 0 0 0.2rem rgb(220, 53, 69, 0.25);
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display : block;
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margin-left : 0;
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box-shadow : 0 0 0 0.2rem rgb(82, 88, 93, 0.5);
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color : #007bff;
border-color : #007bff;
.btn-outline-primary:hover {
color : #fff;
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border-color : #007bff;
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box-shadow : 0 0 0 0.2rem rgb(0, 123, 255, 0.5);
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color : #007bff;
background-color : transparent;
.btn-outline-primary:not(:disabled):not(.disabled).active, .btn-outline-primary:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active, .show > .btn-outline-primary.dropdown-toggle {
color : #fff;
background-color : #007bff;
border-color : #007bff;
.btn-outline-primary:not(:disabled):not(.disabled).active:focus, .btn-outline-primary:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active:focus, .show > .btn-outline-primary.dropdown-toggle:focus {
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color : #6c757d;
border-color : #6c757d;
.btn-outline-secondary:hover {
color : #fff;
background-color : #6c757d;
border-color : #6c757d;
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